Saturday, September 20, 2014

How to improve your listening English skill


The are several ways to improve your listening English Skill
Listening is a one of four skills we need to improve your communication skill
Today I want to share with you about "How to improve your listening English skill"
The listed below is the best ways to improve your English skill that I want to share
  1. Live and work in a completely English-speaking environment.
  2. Do some kind of sports, hobbies, or other activities with a group of English speakers.
  3. Talk one-on-one with an English-speaking tutor a few times a week.
  4. Do a language exchange with an English speaker, in person or over Skype.
  5. Watch lots of hours of movies, TV shows, and videos in English, with English captions.
  6. Watch movies, TV, and videos with no subtitles.
  7. Watch movies, TV, and videos with subtitles in your own language.
  8. Listen to English podcasts on a topic that's interesting to you (but not on the topic of learning English).
  9. Listen to English radio shows.
  10. Listen to audio English lessons.

Here are some tips for improving your listening

The best way to improve your English listening is to listenA lot. There's no way around it; you have to spend hours and hours listening to people speaking English. Listen to things that interest you. If you don't enjoy something, it's going to be hard for you to continue. You'll get bored and stop.
  • Interacting is better than passive listening. In other words, it's better to talk with someone than just to listen to a TV show, radio program, or podcast. Being in a conversation forces you to listen more carefully
  • The next thing to watch out for is to make sure that you listen to a variety of different kinds of speech. I know some people who listen to radio news shows every day but don't feel like they're improving. That's because news English is one specialized form of speaking. Only news broadcasters speak that way. So you can't expect to understand everyday conversation if you only listen to the news.
  • Captions can help if they're in English. If you watch a movie, video, or TV show with English subtitles, it can help you match the written words to their spoken pronunciation. But subtitles in your native language are dangerous. They do help you to understand what's going on, but they also keep your brain locked into "native language mode". Try to use native-language subtitles as little as possible.


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